Customer Service
We’re here to help and answer any questions you might have
At, Our aim is of providing Total Event Solutions, apply Creative ideas, take responsibilities, Deliver right quality service at right time and provide everything at one place. You are the most important person in our business and shopping online should be equally easy, fun and exciting. We want to make the Celebration planning process easier and help the clients to get the value services from what they spend.
Please feel free to write in to us for any feedback, testimonials, suggestions, criticism and of course compliments / appreciation that we receive from you will help us to improve our services. Our customer service section will help you answer any and all of your questions.
Customer support by phone
Call on : +91-6363982488
Please call us between 10:00 AM to 7:00 PM (India time),Monday to Saturday
Customer Support by WhatsApp / Web Chat

.Hold your device over the QR code to scan.
You can choose to WhatsApp us by Scanning QR code / saving our number +91-6363982488.
You can choose to chat with us on Web Chat (Left hand side bottom box) This is for both general queries, for placing your order, or other order related queries.
Please WhatsApp us between 10:00 AM to 7:00 PM (India time),Monday to Saturday.
Customer support by email:
Send your emails at [email protected] and we will respond within 24-48 hours. Do mention your Order Number in the subject line of your email
For urgent contact please do not hesitate to call us / mention urgent in the subject line.
Not receiving our replies?
•It’s possible our email replies are being blocked by your email program or by your internet service provider (ISP). Many email programs provide protection against spam or bulk mails, but sometimes even legitimate commercial emails, like an email from our customer support department or automatic order status notification emails, can get blocked by mistake. •Check your ‘Spam’ or ‘Bulk’ folders for mails from us or contact your network administrator or internet service provider for advice.
•If you are still not receiving our emails, do call us. We will be happy to post your testimonials and photographs on our site in the testimonials and photo collage section / our blog / our social media initiatives. Please do not contribute any private, IPR protected or abusive content